Languages and Cultures Network for Australian Universities


We advocate for the sector and keep it informed

The Australian National University is hiring a full-time continuing associate lecturer (Level A) in French Studies. For details see the position description. Applications close on

This scholarship is aimed at supporting an MRes/PhD candidate in Japanese Studies within the Department of Media, Communications, Creative Arts, Language, and Literature (MCCALL) at

Call for papers now open for abstracts and panel proposals for the 2024 LCNAU Eighth Biennial Colloquium. Hosted by the University of Sydney’s School of Languages

We provide members with research and networking opportunities

Discover our Clusters

Teaching Indigenous Languages in Australia Universities​

There is a great deal to discuss about how training in Indigenous languages at tertiary level is to be done effectively, and in a way that enriches our understanding of Indigenous languages. This cluster is designed to inform and facilitate that discussion.

Work Integrated Learning and Languages Studies

This cluster seeks to explore the role of WIL in language studies from practical and theoretical points of view. It aims to facilitate the emergence of common research projects, to design and disseminate educational placement models and guidelines, as well as to promote WIL practices across the tertiary sector.

Translating and Interpreting Cultures and Languages

The TICL cluster provides a forum for discussion of  translation and interpreting, and their use in the foreign language classroom and in the training of language and culture professionals.

Intercultural Language Teaching and Communication​

The ILTAC cluster brings together researchers working towards a broader understanding and enactment of the intercultural dimension in language and culture education in tertiary environments.

Our members are at the forefront of languages education and research


Find out about our upcoming and past colloquia.

Our Colloquia bring the sector together