Wednesday 28 September
Session 8a: Recent developments in TELL
Wenying Jiang: TELL tasks in the Chinese as a foreign language classroom: a study on web-diary use PowerPoint
Carol Hayes: “Digital Storytelling” & student-centred Japanese language learning PowerPoint
Martha Florez: Languages interface with technology, Web2.0-wikiloquial
Session 8b: Models of teaching and learning
Marisa Cordella, Hui Huang and Ramona Baumgartner: Intergenerational, intercultural and second language gains: a collaborative approach to research PowerPoint
Pam Allen: UTAS University College Program: The Languages experience
Howard Manns and Paul Thomas: Using sociolinguistic data to teach cultural competency PowerPoint
Session 8c: The language-culture nexus
Huda Al-Tamimi: Teaching literature to foreign language learners: ‘A medium to bridge the gap between cultures’ PowerPoint
Adriana Diaz: Stumbling blocks in the path of meeting the twin goals of linguistics proficiency and cultural competency PowerPoint
Anne McClaren: Teaching language, teaching culture: issues in Chinese studies PowerPoint
Session 8d: Plenary
Mike Levy & Caroline Steel: Developing a collaborative framework for university languages provision in South-East Queensland: Strategies for Phase II PowerPoint
Session 9: Closing Session
John Hajek: Where to next? – LCNAU’s workplan PowerPoint