A number of submissions, articles and papers were authored by members of the LCNAU Project Team, in the period when the network was established.



  • Hajek, J., C. Nettelbeck and A. Woods. 2012. ‘A new peak body: LCNAU in 2012 and beyond‘, Accents (Journal of the Modern Language Teachers Association of New South Wales, Vol 1, December, 30-31.
  • Woods, A. 2012. ‘A new peak body: LCNAU in 2012 and beyond’, Languages Victoria (Journal of the Modern Language Teachers Association of Victoria), 16(2): 49-50.
  • Woods, A., J. Hajek and C. Nettelbeck. 2012. ‘A vital network: The first year for the Languages and Cultures Network for Australian Universities’ Babel (Journal of the Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers’ Associations), 46(2/3):56-7.
  • Woods, A., J. Hajek and C. Nettelbeck. 2012. ‘Languages and Cultures Network for AUstralian Universities (LCNAU) is well on its way in 2012’, Languages Victoria (Journal of the Modern Language Teachers Association of Victoria), 16(1): 42.
  • Woods, A., C. Nettelbeck and J. Hajek. 2012. ‘Network expanding tertiary language and culture programs‘, Asian Currents (Asian Studies Association of Australia e-bulletin), October 2012: 19-20.


  • Hajek, J., C. Nettelbeck and A. Woods. 2011. ‘New network for universitiesAsian Currents (Asian Studies Association of Australia e-bulletin), April 2011:1-3.
  • Woods, A., J. Hajek and C. Nettelbeck. 2011.’Asian languages feature strongly at inaugural LCNAU colloquiumAsian Currents (Asian Studies Association of Australia e-bulletin), October 2011:1-4.
  • Woods, A., C. Nettelbeck and J. Hajek. 2011. ‘An introduction to the Languages and Cultures Network for Australian Universities’, Languages Victoria (Journal of the Modern Language Teachers’ Association of Victoria), 15(2):27-30.

Blog Entries

Media Releases

Media Articles Authored by LCNAU


Position Papers

October 2012: Scholarly Publications in Languages Other Than English in Research Evaluation Processes at Australian Universities

Promotional Materials

Promotional poster – containing background information about LCNAU and the principles which guide its activities.
