A number of submissions, articles and papers were authored by members of the LCNAU Project Team, in the period when the network was established.
- Hajek, J., Nettelbeck, C. and A. Woods. 2013. Leadership for Future Generations: A National Network for University Languages. Office for Learning and Teaching Final Report.
- Woods, A., J. Hajek and C. Nettelbeck. 2013. LCNAU Report, Accents (MLTANSW newsletter), Vol 2 No 1 (July): 20.
- Woods, A., J. Hajek and C. Nettelbeck. 2013. LCNAU Report, Languages Victoria (Modern Language Teachers’ Association of Victoria newsletter), Vol 17 No 1 (July): 1.
- Woods, A., C. Nettelbeck and J. Hajek. 2013. LCNAU plans response to White Paper language goals, Asian Currents (Asian Studies Association of Australia e-bulletin), April 2013: 24-25.
- Woods, A., C. Nettelbeck and J. Hajek. 2013 ‘LCNAU rallies members to defend language programs‘, Asian Currents (Asian Studies Association of Australia e-bulletin), October 2013: 28-29.
- Hajek, J., C. Nettelbeck and A. Woods. 2012. ‘A new peak body: LCNAU in 2012 and beyond‘, Accents (Journal of the Modern Language Teachers Association of New South Wales, Vol 1, December, 30-31.
- Woods, A. 2012. ‘A new peak body: LCNAU in 2012 and beyond’, Languages Victoria (Journal of the Modern Language Teachers Association of Victoria), 16(2): 49-50.
- Woods, A., J. Hajek and C. Nettelbeck. 2012. ‘A vital network: The first year for the Languages and Cultures Network for Australian Universities’ Babel (Journal of the Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers’ Associations), 46(2/3):56-7.
- Woods, A., J. Hajek and C. Nettelbeck. 2012. ‘Languages and Cultures Network for AUstralian Universities (LCNAU) is well on its way in 2012’, Languages Victoria (Journal of the Modern Language Teachers Association of Victoria), 16(1): 42.
- Woods, A., C. Nettelbeck and J. Hajek. 2012. ‘Network expanding tertiary language and culture programs‘, Asian Currents (Asian Studies Association of Australia e-bulletin), October 2012: 19-20.
- Hajek, J., C. Nettelbeck and A. Woods. 2011. ‘New network for universities‘ Asian Currents (Asian Studies Association of Australia e-bulletin), April 2011:1-3.
- Woods, A., J. Hajek and C. Nettelbeck. 2011.’Asian languages feature strongly at inaugural LCNAU colloquium” Asian Currents (Asian Studies Association of Australia e-bulletin), October 2011:1-4.
- Woods, A., C. Nettelbeck and J. Hajek. 2011. ‘An introduction to the Languages and Cultures Network for Australian Universities’, Languages Victoria (Journal of the Modern Language Teachers’ Association of Victoria), 15(2):27-30.
Blog Entries
- Invitation to become a member of LCNAU, Australasian Centre for Italian Studies (ACIS) Blog, November 4, 2013
LCNAU for you, for Italian, for all languages in the Australian university sector, Australasian Centre for Italian Studies (ACIS) Blog, April 16, 2013
LCNAU Biennial Colloquium, 3-5 July, 2013, ANU, Australasian Centre for Italian Studies (ACIS) Blog, November 22, 2012
Media Releases
- May 7, 2014: LCNAU welcomes awarding of national funding for new OLT project “A national language studies portal for Australian universities”.
- October 5, 2011: LCNAU urges ACARA to respect the overwhelming public support for the Draft Shape Paper, and all universities to introduce the teaching of Australian Indigenous languages for the benefit of the nation and all students.
Media Articles Authored by LCNAU
- Lo Bianco, J., C. Nettelbeck, J. Hajek and A. Woods. 2011. “No quick fix in any language” The Age, November 22, 2011.
- Lo Bianco, J., C. Nettelbeck, J. Hajek and A. Woods. 2011. “No quick fix in any language” Sydney Morning Herald, November 22, 2011.
- May 31, 2013: Read LCNAU’s submission on the Australia in the Asian Century country strategies.
- March 4, 2012: Read LCNAU’s submission to the White Paper on Australia in the Asian Century.
Position Papers
October 2012: Scholarly Publications in Languages Other Than English in Research Evaluation Processes at Australian Universities
Promotional Materials
Promotional poster – containing background information about LCNAU and the principles which guide its activities.