Monday 26 September

Official Opening
Prof John Dewar, Provost, University of Melbourne
Prof John Hajek, Project Leader, LCNAU  PowerPoint

Opening Plenary
Prof Joseph Lo Bianco, President, Australian Academy of the Humanities “Languages and research in the new ERA”  PowerPoint

Session 1a: The teaching-research nexus
Kayoko Enomoto: Promoting deep learning through a scaffolded language curriculum: double tasking language-specific and research-skills development PowerPoint
Chantal Crozet & Daniel Martin: Difficulties in defining a research field for postgraduate studies in languages & cultures education at ANU PowerPoint
Karin Speedy: Fostering research in French through discovery-focussed learning in advanced language units PowerPoint

Session 1b: Languages in and across the sector
John Giacon & Jane Simpson: Teaching Indigenous languages at universities PowerPoint
Jun Ohashi & Hiroko Ohashi: New roles of Japanese language in Australian tertiary education PowerPoint
Ruying Qi: Designing an assessment for Chinese language teaching in Australian universities: a 3D approach PowerPoint

Session 1c: Models of teaching and learning
Guosheng Chen et al: Language mentoring programs at RMIT University PowerPoint
Françoise Grauby & Michelle Royer: A discussion on collaborative teaching PowerPoint
Béatrice Atherton: Project-based learning ‘Sans Frontières’ PowerPoint

Session 2: Maintaining the discipline
Colin Nettelbeck, John Hajek & Anya Woods: Leadership and development vs casualization of language professionals PowerPoint
Kerry Dunne & Marko Pavlyshyn: Languages of small enrolment PowerPoint
Elisabetta Ferrari: Report from the Sessionals Forum

Australian Academy of the Humanities 2011 Triebel Lecture
Prof Glenn Withers AO, FASSA, Chief Executive Officer, Universities Australia: Creating a languages future: How Australia can be world best practice in languages education Audio File