Student training opportunity

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Unthinking and rethinking intercultural dialogue in education

21-25 June 2021

Co-organised by The Faculty of Educational Sciences (University of Helsinki, Finland) and The School of Education (Minzu University of China)

Course organisers and lecturers: Prof. Fred Dervin (University of Helsinki, Finland) and Prof. Mei Yuan (Minzu University of China) + invited speakers


The course will take place online through Zoom, 2 hours per day (time: 2-4pm Beijing time) 

Duration: 5 days

Assessment: Active participation and final essay

Participation fee: EUR200 


The course is targeted at Master’s and PhD students. Ideal participants will have a strong interest in disrupting current status quos about intercultural dialogue in education and be open to new and original worldviews about diversity and interculturality. They will also be willing to question their own assumptions about what intercultural dialogue is and what it entails. A background in ‘diversity education’ (intercultural/multicultural/transcultural… education/communication) is required.

20 students will be selected for this course. 

Please send a motivation letter to by 1st April 2021

The letter should not be more than 500 words. After a brief self-introduction, you should state what you expect from this course and the contributions you are willing to make during the lectures. Try to be as clear and transparent as possible in the way you express potential expectations and contributions.

Questions should be addressed to