(On behalf of Dr Samantha Marangell, the University of Melbourne)
This research project, titled, “Exploring the ‘pulse’ of Australian higher education internationalisation”, seeks to better understand how key internationalisation strategies are perceived among key stakeholders within the higher education sector, including students, staff, and experts in the field. The survey asks participants to rank the importance of a few predominant internationalisation strategies, and it should take approximately 5 minutes, and no more than 10 minutes, to complete.
Responses will be anonymous and aggregated by stakeholder group (e.g., students’ responses will be aggregated together). Questions focus on perceptions of the sector as a whole, rather than of individual universities, and no analysis will be conducted in relation to an individual university.
At completion of the survey, participants will have the option to enter a draw for one of 20 gift cards, each worth $100.
Alternatively, enter the following into your browser: https://melbourneuni.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0vpdEQumy1ikrR4
This project has human research ethics approval from The University of Melbourne (ethics project ID: 23603). More information about the project and the survey can be found in the Plain Language Statement. I would also be happy to discuss the project in more detail.